Friday, July 12, 2024

Friday's Here

 Hi everyone. Happy end of the week to you.

     Today I have a journal page for Halle's "I've Got a Notion" challenge at Art Journal Journey. Since it has faces I am also linking up to Nicole's  Friday Face Off and also to Gillena's Friday Lunch Break.

     I didn't really know where I would end up with this page, but I like the final result.  I started by making a stamped background and then adding the big paper doily. I have an old pattern book that I bought several years ago, and I cut out the bodies and some of the pattern info. Before I glued them down, I used some yellow cloth trim. Then I glued down all of my pieces, and I also added scissors stickers. I thought I was done, but then one other day when I was digging through my stash, I found these old vintage head stickers, which are a bit big for the bodies, but I just liked how they looked so I added them.

     For those of you who are enjoying my Greece photos, here's a few more also. I last left  you at the Delphi Museum, and today we're heading out to the adjacent archaeological site. I think I mentioned there was no Oracle nor any smoke, so sadly I couldn't get any of life's questions cleared up for me. 😏

It's a little hike up to the site, but the view looking down is pretty amazing. And below, I had a thing for all the old carvings into the stones. I don't know what it says however.

It wasn't too crowded there, except for a couple of bigger school groups. You can see them over on the left side of the photo.

More stone carvings. I could do a whole post of stone carvings. Grin.

A bird for David, since he asked where all the bird photos were. Hopefully I'll have some more next trip.😏

I don't know how old the pathway in the next few photos was, butt he images in it and around it also caught my eye.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend ahead. 


CJ Kennedy said...

Fun page It reminds me of sewing class in 9th grade (jr. high). The ruins are beautiful too bad the Oracle was in residence. Looks like some of our areas are in for some flooding. I hope you weren't in the flood zone yesterday.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You may have visited Greece at just the right time. I was reading an article the other day about places around the world getting swamped by tourists who are becoming a problem and are facing hostility from local residents. Parts of Greece were included in the list. As the human population continues to grow out of control I can’t imagine that issues such as this are going to get any better. All the best - David

Angie's Recipes said...

Those aprons are cute! And I am with you about those vintage head stickers...perfect for the costumes.
You too have a great weekend, Erika!

Halle said...

What a fun page! The big heads are totally hysterical yet completely "fit" the era. Sort of kitchie...I love it!

Valerie-Jael said...

I loved seeing more Greek photos, those pathways are wonderful. And once again you have made a happy journal page. Love all the smiling Simplicity women. I used to use those patterns, too. It's only in the last 10 years that I haven't made my own clothes anymore. Happy Friday, hugs, Valerie

Tom said...

...this was a fabulous trip and you returned with many wonderful memories.

sirkkis said...

Happy page, I like the women characters 😀
Have a wonderful weekend 🧚🐝🌺

Divers and Sundry said...

I've heard those oracles aren't as helpful as you might wish ;) I'd love to see all those sights in person. What an exciting trip!

Anonymous said...

Lovely page and photos! -Christine

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Great collage work!

Gillena Cox said...

Luv your paper dolls all wearing aprons.
Thanks for your photo sharr too.
Its raining constantly here🇹🇹 with expectstiobs for thunder
Happy Friday . Hope you have a nice day.
Thanks for linking to AFFF


carol l mckenna said...

Lovely mixed media journal page ~ well done and your photos from Greece are wonderful ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Iris Flavia said...

Cute page you created!
To Greece and ow, the heart!!!
To a great (if here too cold) weekend, hugs

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

It just blows my mind knowing how old some of those structures are! Looks like you had a great trip. Keep sharing those pictures!

R's Rue said...

Beautiful photos.

DVArtist said...

Oh I love this page. At first I thought it was paper dolls. LOL Your photos are fabulous too. Thank you for joining FFO and have a great weekend.

Eclecticity said...

Interesting nostalgic interpretation for Friday Face Off.

Mae Travels said...

I love every photo of Greece! What a great trip.
best, mae at

Jeanie said...

I like your ladies -- that one looks like Jackie KEnnedy! And I always love the photos from Greece! YAY -- beautiful stuff all.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Erika, I never tire of seeing photos of Greek ruins as it is so amazing that these structures were created without any of today’s construction vehicles or tools. And, they have lasted longer too.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This is really quirky and fun. I love the old Simplicity pattern. It's a fabulous entry for Halle's theme at AJJ. Thanks for sharing.

Sunday is fine. Anytime.

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, I love your journal page for the sewing theme. and thanks for sharing more photos from your Greece trip. Beautiful.
Happy Sunday and new week ahead-it's raining here this morning-again Missouri does not usually get this much rain during the summer. Hugs Kathy

WendyK said...

Fabulous page Erika, just love the vintage look that you have achieved. Have a great week. Lovely photos from Greece as well. Hugs Wendy K

craftytrog said...

I love your fun page Erika.
Great photos too.
Alison xx

pearshapedcrafting said...

Your page really made me smile- what a brilliant idea for Halle's theme! I love your photos and think I will have to sit at the computer to see rest some other time. Hugs, Chrisx

*Vicki* said...

Really fun page and it does bring me back to my home ec classes from school! LOL Love the stamped background and the vintage details you've added to it! Your photos are amazing! TFS

Soma @ said...

The sewing page looks great, Erika! The ladies made a great addition to your page. The archeological sites are my favourite and it was great seeing your photos. By the mountains - what a great setting too!


Neet said...

Am so enjoying seeing the holiday photos. Never been to Greece so I am living it vicariously through your photos. Just look at that sky, so blue.
The entry for AJJ is absolutely fabulous - I love the Retro look to it. Those heads somehow just look perfect on those bodies and really add to the appeal of the whole page. Love the background - the section at the top including the scissors is so textural - really appeals to me.
Hugs Neet xx