Monday, August 19, 2024

T Stands for in My Dining Room

     Hi everyone. Happy new week to you. It's time once again for T day over at  Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog       .

     Last week I showed you a cabinet that I was in the process of painting. Many of you asked that I show it all finished and in place. Since it's done and in place, here it is.

     The shelves aren't in it yet since this is a cabinet for my  husband to put his "stuff" in. By stuff I mean all the paperwork relating to his mom and some other odd things he uses the table as a desk for.  He hasn't done that yet. (And I can't wait until he gets his stuff off the chairs, from under some other cabinets and the floor-ha ha!) 😉

     Last week I showed you  a pizza I picked up at the general store in my town, and today let me share the somewhat similar pizza the hubby and I made the other night. We went for a thin crust using my sourdough starter. We usually vary it and this just happened to be thin crust week. And although I didn’t photograph it, I did have another glass of milk with my slice.

      For my T day drink this week I have something different. Last week while the hubby and I were doing some cleaning at his Mom's house*, the hubby came across an old Corning Ware coffeepot. His mom had it stashed in her laundry room up on a shelf. It was mostly complete, except it had a plug and no way to plug it into the pot. I'm guessing there was a hot plate type of burner it went on and since there was no sign of that, it must have stopped working and was long ago thrown out. That would be like his Mom to keep the pot and everything else too, as we are finding as we do some cleaning.

    However, I thought the pot itself was kind of retro and funky, so I decided to use it as a vase on top of my hutch. Last week I went out and got some artificial sunflowers to put into it, and I'm happy with my new arrangement. 

Here it is on top of my hutch. 

(And if you look carefully, you can see some of my husband's "stuff" piled on a chair to the left. That's a controlled pile, so it's not too bad. 😊 GRIN. )

There's also a few of my teapots as well as a batter bowl and a pitcher on my hutch that also work for T day too. 
That's all for me this post. Have a super T day and week ahead everyone.

* For those of you who may not know, my MIL is in a memory care assisted living now, and her house is now in a family trust. But since we're all paying the taxes, etc. on it, the plan is to get to ready to rent part of the season next year.


hels said...

Someone's stuff piled on a chair is always awful, even if it is in a controlled pile. Socks, undies, shirts, t shirts, hankies etc belong in the drawer or laundry.

Anonymous said...

Well done on painting the cabinet and the pizza looks good! Lovely arrangement. -Christine

Tom said...

...all of his "stuff" will fit in that cabinet? You make a mean pizza!!!

Cloudia said...

Thank you for sharing. Interesting and meaningful aloha!

Angie's Recipes said...

I love that cabinet! Is the colour olive? Really nice. I used to have a red teapot like that, or very similar.

Iris Flavia said...

HA! Internet is fully back (oh, it was a pain the last days here).
Oh, yes, Ingo has his stuff EVERYWHERE, too! Your... his cabinet looks elegant.
And your pizza, hmmmm...

Cute pot and the sunflowers... my Dad loved sunflowers and now they are a sign of hope for peace and freedom in Ukraine - well done!

(Ack to "the stuff, "LOL").

To a happy T-Day and to... it´s always hard to give a family member to care, hugs from here...

Jeanie said...

I love your home. It's warm and comfortable and the walls are a great color! It's the kind of place one could visit and feel right at home. l love the new cabinet, too. That coffee pot is a perfect vase and it looks terrific with the sunflowers!

Let's Art Journal said...

Your cupboard is beautiful and compliments your kitchen perfectly 😊. Loving all your teapots too. I hope you're having a great week and sending you Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

Lisca said...

You did a good job with that cabinet. And repurposing that coffee pot is brilliant. Lovely yellow flowers.
Paperwork on chairs? On the floor? On the dining room table? I totally understand (as I look at MY paper pile)....
Happy T-Day

CJ Kennedy said...

Your cabinet turned out nice and your pizza looks amazing. I like how you repurposed the Corningware pot. The top of the hutch is the perfect setting. Though cool, I hope you got some sunshine today. Happy T Day

pearshapedcrafting said...

The cabinet looks great! What a great idea to transform the coffee pot into a vase! Happy T Day, Chrisx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Looks like a whole lot of dusting there! All the best - David

Neet said...

The newly painted cabinet looks great\! Love the colour and should imagine it goes well with the wood in the room. Adore the sunflowers in the jug, what a great idea to brighten an area up and fill it with sunshine. Looks perfect atop the hutch.
Pizza - you had me at that word.
Hugs, Neet xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I saw the post where you painted the cabinet, but was unable to comment. That coffee pot will fit in nicely with what I consider your retro cabinet. It reminds me of the photos I have seen from the 1970s, where everything was avocado green or gold. Thanks for sharing your pizza,. your coffee pot and flower arrangement, and your collection of teapots and pitcher with us for T this week, Erika.

Divers and Sundry said...

I love that wall color and that green cabinet in front of it. That could be a photo from one of the Instagram feeds I follow. Nice! Your pizza looks delicious. That pot is perfect as a vase.

Aimeslee Winans said...

The cabinet looks great, nice paint job. And I have faux flowers all around my house. I have 4 vases of sunflowers just like yours on our fireplace hearth since we no longer use it (allergies). I prefer faux over real and you can put them in a lot of nice spots as you've done. Enjoy! That pizza looks delish, xoxo