Saturday, September 28, 2024

Lots of Veggies

     Hi everyone. I'm still away for the last few days of my Quebec adventure.  I hope everyone had a great week. As this is a mostly scheduled post, I'm guessing I'm still having a  great time, because barring any unexpected issues, I should be. 😏 Here's a couple of more photos (once again from my phone untouched so there's some crooked horizons etc.) I'm adding from our visit to Forillion National Park.

      This next photo is for David, and it isn't the best since I took it with my phone (camera photos and stories will come another time), but in Gaspe Bay there were hundreds of gannets flying around. You can at least tell these 2 birds are gannets. I could have watched them for hours. We also had some fun with a cormorant and a seal as well as 3 men fishing for mackerel. 

      As I've had time, I've made a few quick blog visits based on whatever comes up on the top of my feed. I apologize if I've missed yours, but when I'm home I'll get back to normal blogging. Obviously, enjoying our vacation comes first. 👍OK, back to the business of this scheduled post.

     I've scheduled this post because I want to share my last 2 pages for Aimelee's Anything Goes challenge at Art Journal Journey. I also wanted to send a big THANK YOU  to both Aimeslee for being a super host and also to everyone who joined in. Keep in mind you still have time to join because September isn't quite over yet.

     My two pages today are in many ways similar. This first spread used several stamps from an old company called Stamp in the Hand. Years ago they had this whole series of carved veggie and fruit stamps. I dug  out the ones I have for this spread, even though I don't believe the onion is one of their stamps.

     Contrast that to this next spread where I used a "Cover a Card" stamp by Impression Obsession, and then colored in the fruits and veggies. I added the dots and some other bits to the left hand side. I do believe the "eat your veggies" stamp on on this spread is also by Stamp in the Hand.

      On the right side of the second spread I die cut the silverware. The die is an oldie from Sizzix that I use quite a bit, and I just happened to have a sheet of paper with silverware on it, another piece that's been hanging around from my scrapbooking days. Not only was the harvest/garden book really fun to make, but I love being able to use all these "things" that have been sitting unloved for a long time. 

     That's all for me this month at Art Journal Journey. I'll be home Tuesday, but I also have a couple of scheduled posts for that day since it is the first of the new month and will be time for a new challenge at AJJ. It will also be  time for another new challenge at Try It on Tuesday. 

       I hope everyone has a great rest of your September days.


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