Monday, September 9, 2024

T Stands for Signs of Early Fall

 Hi everyone. Happy new week to you. Today it's time for T again over at  Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog. This is a longer post today, but mostly photos.

         Last week I finished up my summer lake job (was that only last week?), had a day out with friends and had some  time to do a few things that have been on my list.

Like going apple picking. The Macs and Cortland (2 of my favorites) were ready for picking.

I bought some artificial fall blooms to put on my fireplace mantel. They were moved there after I finished arranging them and taking this photo. 

I made some pickle relish with some of the cucumbers from my garden.

And I also made chocolate zucchini bread with some garden zucchini.

The bread came out delicious, but even more precious is the fact that my mom sent me this recipe years ago. It was good to see her handwritten note on the paper. ❤

We have some early signs of autumn right now, including some cooler temperatures (which are not supposed to  last).

Here's a left over sunflower head and also the last of my wild blackberries finally ripening.

It's mushroom season.

And seed head season too, along with wild asters being in bloom.

My roses are having a second bloom and look beautiful.

Some of my dahlias are blooming now too.

The remains of summer flowers are looking interesting, although past their peak.

My garden is in no-man's land time right now. It's a bit too early to pull things and transplant, and  it's late enough most of the blooms have gone past. In my wild-flower bee garden there is still goldenrod blooming and some tall phlox too.

After all this activity, I need a cup of warm tea and a photo for T day. Here's some green tea in  my NH mug.

       Just an FYI that if you join tomorrow I won't be able to visit your blog until evening because I'm off on a sculpture walk early tomorrow morning (I need to leave at 7:15 AM) and then I have to vote in our state offices primary.  Have a great T day and week ahead. 


Tom said... of my garden looks tired!

Mae Travels said...

Your flower arrangement looks lovely. I like your garden flowers, too.
Thanks for pointing out my error on my latest blog post about the classification of spiders. I’ll try to find a way to correct it.
best, mae at

Cloudia said...

Nice cup of tea in the end!

Iris Flavia said...

Beautiful flowers. But,oh, so sad summer is over. Happened from one day to the other yesterday.
Have fun on your sculpture day,I´m looking forward to some pics :-)
Have a great T-Night, hugs

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Wild gardens are the best of all. Yours looks terrific. All the best - David

Angie's Recipes said...

That artificial fall bouquet looks really nice. I would love one for my living room too. Those blooming dahlias are so pretty.

CJ Kennedy said...

I loved your mother's note on the recipe. So sweet. Your garden looks beautiful with all the changes. Sounds like an awesome day for your sculpture walk. I hope we hear all about it. Happy T Day

Lisca said...

Yes, I am always aware that your autumn starts so much earlier than ours. We don't get an autumn really.It stays hot until all of a sudden it's winter! We hve a night time autumn, meaning that night temperatures go down but days are warm and sunny until January. When it get cold in the day time, I know that winter has arrived, but where was autumn....?
Lovely flowers still in your garden. How are the bees doiing?
Happy T-Day and enjoy your sculpture walk,

Jamie Ghione said...

Love the flowers.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I would have been by earlier, but I ate something yesterday that made me very sick. Now I'm trying to visit around bouts of nausea, etc.

Lovely photos of what autumn looks like in your world. Voting is GOOD. What an adorable mug, dear. Thanks for joining Bleubeard and me for T this Tuesday.

Mbul Kecil said...

Orange roses are lovely...
In my place, the common dahlia has a pink color...
i love that apple tree...

Jeanie said...

I always love what you share in photos. Your eye is wonderful and I love how you"see." That flower arrangement rocks!

Kym Decker said...

I absolutely love this post! The photos are wonderful!

Spyder said...

Yes, nice tea mug at the end, lovely pictures of garden etc and also.... I Wish I had a bigger garden but I'm finding this one hard enough at the moment! And after reading your comment on T Day Tuesday you must show us your Teacup and pot combination too! ((LYN)) Happy late T day

Neet said...

I thoroughly enjoyed my wander through your garden. Those dahlias are beautiful and I like the sunflower head that is finished. Mushrooms fascinate me and I wish I could find lots of different ones (couple of years ago saw an ink cap but nothing since)
How lovely to find the recipe had a note from your mum, real treasure there for you and a new recipe for me. Sometime i must show you my recipes for potato chocolate cake and beetroot cake. I cut them from a magazine years ago and haven't tried them for a while.
Love the sound of your relish and I do llike the flower display - so autumnal.
Hugs, Neet xx

Lowcarb team member said...

I like your flower arrangement, perfect for the season.

All the best Jan

Aimeslee Winans said...

Would love some of your bread! Such a sweet recipe card momento, too. And wonderful photos of everything else. xoxo