Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Time for Another Challenge

     Hi everyone. It's been two weeks since our last Try It On Tuesday challenge began, and that means it's time for a new one to start.😀

      First let me thank everyone who joined into our Keep It Simple challenge and also thank Trina who was a guest designer. 

        Our new challenge that begins today runs for the next 2 weeks is


I'm not sure how I feel about my journal page, but it is definitely very feminine. 

     I started by making the tag which you can see in the center of my page. The background was white, but it was a bit too white so I inked it with this magenta red. I was thinking strong woman, someone who would wear red  proudly. Then I decided to attach my tag to a background page. I stamped a bunch of old images that are very feminine and then I inked it the same magenta red. Now it was too red, so I used some gesso and a paper towel to sponge down the background on the paper. 

     I wanted to add some ladies, so I went with these 2 long and tall flappers who look very feminine and frame the tag nicely.  My page still needed something, so I added some washi tape flower stickers a long the bottom. The quote  is from an old Technique Tuesday set. I know the keep calm part of the quote is something that was popular in stamping several years back, but I still liked how it worked with my page. 

      And before I sign off  don't forget to check out the other members of the design teams art too. There's some beautiful feminine art examples from those talented ladies to inspire you.

I hope you're inspired by feminine art and that you'll join us at TIOT in the next couple of weeks. 


Tom said...

...there seems to be a "keep calm" theme for everything.

Angie's Recipes said...

I like two beautiful ladies...not sure about the background though...but it's feminine for sure!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

So much thought and detail goes into everything you do. I would be too overwhelmed to even start!

Iris Flavia said...

Love your page. Have three fans and a Japanese sun-brolly here :-) Hugs

Anonymous said...

Lovely page! -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

Let's Art Journal said...

Beautiful page! The flapper ladies are fabulous and I love how the background makes them pop - perfect 😊. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

pearshapedcrafting said...

What a fabulous page Erika! A super idea too, those ladies are so glamorous.
Hugs , Chrisx

Unknown said...

Magenta red is my favourite too Erika..it's like moodbooster when i use something in red or magenta, beside pink off course...

Neet said...

That's brilliant! I used to be hooked on using flapper ladies in my work and still I love to see them. I think it is the fashion I like and all the bits of glitz and glamour associated with it. Love your tag and resulting page. Very pretty using that shade of pink.
Hugs, Neet xx

Meggymay said...

A fabulous page Erika and so many feminine details to look at, I loved the selection of shoes. A super colour choice and maybe you can guess a tune that I was thinking about as well.
Have a good rest of the week.

*Vicki* said...

Fabulous page! I love the tag as it makes a wonderful focal point for your design! I agree with the women in red! Very stylish page!

Mrs.B said...

A great page Erika, love all the stamped details on your background and the strong colour really makes your flapper girls stand out. It's a great quote too.
Avril xx

Divers and Sundry said...

Those fancy head pieces! I wish hats were more frequently worn these days.

Joan said...

LOve those flapper ladies and all the little background stamp too, its a fab page !
