Monday, March 6, 2023

T Stands for Snow, A Birthday, and Other Things

 Hi everyone. Happy new week and Happy T day also. 

Winter has made a  return to New Hampshire.

In this next photo here's the snow gauge this past Friday after all the little snow events we had  last week.  This photo was taken  before the big Friday night into Saturday snow.

You can see we had 14 inches (over 35 cm) before the big storm. Here  is the snow gauge  after the big Friday night into Saturday storm:

 I guess it's not as bad as some of the places in California where they've had enough snow to practically bury houses. And it sounds like they're going to get some more too. 
 I still hope this is it  for any accumulating snow in New Hampshire. One never knows in March though.

And this week for flowers let me share the bouquet of white roses my husband brought me home for my birthday. He brought them home Friday night after work since my birthday was Saturday, the same day of the big snow storm. 

White (with all the snow) was an appropriate color for my birthday this year.

My birthday was pretty quiet, but it wasn't  a bad day. I spent some time on the phone with my friend in North Carolina and even got an invite from my brother that he would take me out to lunch this week. That's a first. 😀

My daughter and her husband were going to come to my house for my birthday, but with the snow, those plans were scrapped. Instead we planned to meet half way between our homes for a Sunday lunch. (We live around 2 hours apart.)

Here's my link to T day over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

For T day this week, here's my drink, the one on the left. Only one is mine; the other one is my husband's.

We were back in Manchester at the Puritan Back Room, and yes, we both had mudslides similar to what I showed you a few weeks back. My daughter and her husband arrived a couple minutes later, and since we didn't have to wait for our table once they arrived, they also ordered mudslides once we were seated for dinner.  I never took any photos once they came as I was too busy chatting. As I mentioned last time I posted mudslides, the dinner speciality of this restaurant is their chicken fingers, which is what we all had.  This time I went "wild" and ordered half plain and half coconut. (smile) The best part is they give you so many that there are leftovers. That's what dinner for tonight (if you read this Monday) or last night (if you read this Tuesday).

That's all for me. Have a great T day and rest of your week.


Christine said...

Well it's very pretty the snow! Nice drinks.

Angie's Recipes said...

That's just COLD and beautiful! Stay warm, Erika.

kathyinozarks said...

wow that is allot of snow. are you able to check on your bees?
you mudslides look delicious, happy belated birthday
Happy T hugs Kathy

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, boy, 35 cm of snow!!!
Yesterday big, fat, beautiful snow flakes came down. For about ten minutes.
That´s how I like it. Looks nice and is gone again....
Though since I don´t have to drive no more your 35 cm would be nice actually.

Yes to the flowers for a Birthday!
I can´t remember which flower it was a trainee brought me when my Dad had passed. She wanted to comfort me and explained it is in honor for him. Try not to cry.
But for a Birthday in snow - excellent :-)
Big yay to your Brother!!!
No pics cause too much fun sounds great.
Chicken fingers?! Never heard of that.
We "always" take filet bites at KFC - oh, shoot. Think last time was at least three years ago and now I crave that but they´re so far away for it being 2C only!
To a happy T - hugs

ashok said...

I love to see snow pictures...something we don't experience in my place

craftytrog said...

Wow! That's a lot of snow Erika. There's no snow here, but Scotland have plenty apparently. It's very chilly though.
Those drinks look delicious.
Hope you had a good start to your week.

Jeanie said...

Yikes. That is some serious snow. Oh, don't you want it all to go and just bring on the spring?

That mudslide looks delicious! I love that you keep celebrating!

CJ Kennedy said...

Wow, you got slammed with snow. I echo your wish that I hope no more snow for the season. Your white roses are so pretty. Nice that you were able to get out and celebrate your birthday with your daughter. Those mudslides look good. Happy Sunshine and T Day

Divers and Sundry said...

Wow! Snow! We're having highs in the 60s and 70s and budding trees.

The white roses are gorgeous. The drink looks tasty and served up so pretty. Happy T Tuesday!

Kate Yetter said...

Your mudlsides look delicious! Yum! Happy Birthday, Erika! Sometimes a quiet day is wonderful and relaxing.
We didn't get hardly any snow compared to you. We keep getting predictions of snow fall but then we just get a dusting.
Happy Tea Day,

jinxxxygirl said...

Wow! I cannot remember if i have EVER seen that much snow!! i've lived in PA, NJ and NC and growing up and Germany as an adult for 3 years but wow! Thats alot of snow!! Those mudslides look Yummy but if it has a coffee flavor i would have to pass.. lol Happy Belated Birthday!! AND Happy T day! Hugs! deb

nwilliams6 said...

Happy Birthday, Erika!!!

Yummy looking drinks! I would want one for sure. The flowers are gorgeous and what luck he got them before you were snowed in so you could enjoy them. Wow - lots of snow! Happy T-day and hugz (extra ones for your birthday).

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

A couple of my internet friends are experiencing that same snow that crossed the country. They also had snow blowers, which must be a godsend. You DID get hammered.

You got some beautiful roses. They match the snow before it gets mushy and dirty.

Those mudslides look delicious. That is something I might actually drink (grin). Thanks so very much for sharing your snow and your mudslides, as well as your birthday roses with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

Sharon Madson said...

Happy Birthday! Your mudslides look scrumptious! Your snow is gorgeous. Happy T Day.

Aimeslee Winans said...

Oh my, so snowy! Drinks look good. XOX

DVArtist said...

Happy Birthday. I will tell you I am sick of this weather. Of course I don't have snow like you, but I am not supposed to have snow at all. LOL the flowers are beautiful and I would join you for a mudslide. Have a very nice day today.

pearshapedcrafting said...

Wow! That's a lot of snow! Glad you could meet up for a meal out! I'm off to find out what a mudslide is, Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

Empire of the Cat said...

Oh wow, all that snow! 14 inches?!!! Here we are fretting over the possibility of a few centimetres lol A belated happy birthday also, glad you had a good day and beautiful roses. Sorry for the late visit, I'm really struggling with the cold at the moment. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx