Thursday, February 9, 2023


 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday.  

Happily we've been having some milder weather after last weekend's deep deep freeze. With the wind chills we hit a low of -32 degrees F (around -35 degrees C) on Saturday; it was too cold to even go outside. I don't mind the cold, but that was too cold for me.  Thankfully that type of weather didn't last very long. I am really enjoying not having to feed the woodstove every couple of hours. Smile.

Today it is time for Rain's Art and Dinner Date. And today's optional theme is Veggies.

Here's a journal page I made last November for Art Journal Journey on that theme. I'm reposting it for Rain's challenge today.

And for the dinner date party of Rain's challenge, I did make some homemade pizza and also so American chop suey last week, but I never managed to snap any photos of them. 😒Instead let me show you the maraschino cherry and walnut pound cake I made at the end of last week. I know it's not anything to do with veggies, but this is a special cake for me.

This cake was my Dad's favorite. And today is his birthday. If he was still alive he would have been 99. My Dad was a gentle, even tempered man who I can thank for my interest in art. He was an architect, loved to fly fish, and was someone who just adored his lawn. 

I used to make my Dad this cake for his birthday once I was old enough to be let loose in the kitchen. Even as a teenager I really liked to bake.

I found this recipe online (pecan and maraschino cherry pound cake). Usually I just make a basic pound cake and add chopped maraschino cherries and walnuts. This recipe made a cream cheese pound cake, and I substituted walnuts for pecans. (Even though pecans would taste yummy, I know my Dad specified he liked walnuts in his cake so I was trying to be true to him.) I really liked the addition of the cream cheese. I've seen lots of cream cheese pound cake recipes, although I don't think I've ever tried one before.  The only thing I would have changed was I would have added more cherries, but since I only picked up one jar at the grocery store, it worked. 

And if you want a little more color, you can add some cherry juice to the cake and make it pink, but my dad wouldn't have wanted a pink cake.

That's all for me today. I hope you're having a great week, and have a great weekend ahead also.



CAAC said...


Your "Eat your veggies" collage made me smile. How many times did we hear those words when we were growing up? Probably thousands!

We had the privilege to visit Mount Washington last September while vacationing in Mane. DH keeps up with the weather going-ons from the area especially with our second daughter living in Maine since 2017, so when he saw the headlines of the record shattering temperatures (wind chill)of almost -108º we both said, "I'm glad I'm not up there!" That's really brutal and your part of NH was horrible, too. Many years ago, Knoxville plummet to -24º. We were logged as the coldest spot in the country that day but I can't remember what the wind chill pushed it to. That's was horrible. Thankfully, we don't see temperatures like that often. I know y'all probably frequently see the ugly side of Mother Nature in the winter.

Thanks for sharing the recipe. I'm going to take a look at it. Your cake looks yummy!

I can't get linked up on Rain's linky, so here's my direct TAD link --> Fruit & Veggie Art.

Have a doodletastic day!

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning Erika, beautiful pound cake-looks delicious. growing up my Mom made chop suey I think it was really popular back then-50's and 60's
Love your Veggie page too-It's been raining here now for close to 24 hours, we can always use the rain as some summers we don't get much. Happy Thursday! hugs Kathy

CJ Kennedy said...

Your page makes a wonderful poster, but I'd rather eat the cake than veggies. That cake looks absolutely fabulous and especially during the month of February. Enjoy the little bit of sunshine today

Barbara said...

It’s always a good reminder to eat veggies! Your cake is more to my liking though. 😁

Angie's Recipes said...

That pound cake looks excellent! And with -35 degrees C, you definitely deserve another piece :-) We had -8C a few days last month and it was FREEZING...can't imagine -35C!!

Christine said...

Lovely veggie page and a perfect pound cake yum!

Divers and Sundry said...

Brrr!!! Our highs have been in the upper 60s. It's cooler today, but that means a high in the mid-50s. I turned the heat on last night, but it never got cold enough in the house for it to come on. It's set at 68.

Gillena Cox said...

I haven't baked a cake in a while. I think i should.
Luv your veggie poster.


Iris Flavia said...

Happy day remembering the good things your Dad brought into your life.
I eat my veggies always :-)
Hugs, especially today.

Rostrose said...

Dear Erika,
-35 degrees C is too cold for EVERYONE - including polar bears! A good choice to stay at home. I like your veggie journal page, very funny! :-)
What a touching idea to bake your late dad's favorite cake for his birthday! My father would also be 99 this year, he was born on March 5, 1924.
ALL THE BEST from Austria and happy Thursday!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Definitely chilly there. We only had two really cold days this winter.
Amazing really.
Fun veggie journal page.
Your poundcake looks so delicious.

DVArtist said...

This is wonderful. Did I tell you I really like your banner too. The cake looks very good. Have a lovely day.

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely to highlight the maraschino cherry and walnut pound cake in your dads memory.

I always eat up my veggies, I do enjoy them.

All the best Jan

pearshapedcrafting said...

'Eat Your Veggies ' is surely something we've all heard at some time! I love this page and that Janet Klein girl seems to have her veggies to hand!
No wonder the cake was a favourite of your Dad's - it looks delicious! My Dad used to love Victoria Sandwich Cake - with plenty of jam and butter icing, he would be 100 this year. Hugs, Chrisx

Hels said...

I am not vegetarian because I love fish and eggs. But veggies are always the centre of each dinner. Which are your favourites?

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Your cold was BITTERLY cold. Glad you stayed in and made the art and the cake. I would eat that cake, too.

Who in their right mind BOILS veggies? I loved how you presented the page of veggies, though. And of course, it is wonderful for your theme at AJJ, too. it's too bad I had to miss this week at Rain's since I'm a vegetarian and all.

Tom said...

..."eat you veggies" is what my mother always said, but I'd prefer the the maraschino cherry and walnut pound cake. Erika, take care and stay well.

carol l mckenna said...

Great collage about veggies and yummy cake too!

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Fundy Blue said...

What a lovely tribute to your dad, Erika! I really miss my dad, and I know you miss yours. Fun vegetable collage. Hugs to you!

Aimeslee Winans said...

Ah, you made your dad's cake! Looks delish and I'm allergic to pecans, so it's always walnuts for me. Cream cheese sounds like it's very moist! I've actually never seen a white version of this cake, all the ones I've ever eaten had the cherry juice in it, lol. Only thing I'd add would be some powdered sugar and milk icing, but drinking with some coffee would be fine too. Yum and great aj page too. xoxo

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Wonderful art and that cake looks delicious.

Valerie-Jael said...

I prefer cake to veggies! Hugs, Valerie

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

A wonderful tribute to your Dad, Erika. You were blessed with a happy home and the talent to go with you father's encouragement. Yes, "Eat Your Veggies" is oh so true. My father was a professor of Horticulture and so I grew up on fresh off the vine or stalk vegies and they are still a favorite around my house. My mother's favorite food was Lobster Tail ... not able to follow suit with her fav as they are way too expensive for my wallet. So loving your maraschino cherry and walnut pound cake ... just plain pound cake is delicious so I can only imagen how good this is. Mind if I stop in for a taste? Have a wonderful week and a loving Valentines Day, Erika ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

NatureFootstep said...

love this artful cook-book. :)
It fits both AJJ and TADD

Rain said...

Erika the cake looks delicious!! I love pound cake, oh yes, I would probably add the cherry juice!!! ♥

Neet said...

Fabulous page and I thought it was for AJJ with all the red/orange around it. I love my veggies now I am older and most times would prefer them to having a sweet. Mind you that cake looks yummy. Maybe I wouldn't resist that.
Hugs, Neet xx